ABAQUS Modelling and Experimental Tests Comparison for Certain Classes of Composite Isolated Joints
Journal Article

Depending on the type of configuration and connector arrangement, beam-to-column end-plate joints can be rigid, semi-rigid, or pinned. Fully restrained joints are required for rigid frames in which it is anticipated that the frame joints will have adequate rigidity to maintain the angles between intersecting parts in the service condition, ensuring full moment transfer. In contrast, partially restrained joints in semi-continuous frames are distinguished by relative rotations between crossing members, allowing the bending force to be transferred only partially. The concept of utilizing partially restricted, unstiffened joints in construction has gained traction since it looks to be more feasible and inexpensive. Bending transfer in partially constrained joints allows semi-continuous frames to withstand actions. Semi-continuous frames can survive actions due to bending transfer in partially restricted joints. At the same time, a certain degree of rotation is permitted, which improves the overall ductility of these structures. Using thinner end plates than those used in practical applications is one of the most effective ways to affect the ductility of end-plate beam-to-column joints. It was confirmed in a previous experimental study that the composite joints, where the thickness of the end plates is equivalent to about 60% of the diameter of the bolt used in composite joints, were taken into account in subsequent tests, and these studies can be confirmed using ABAQUS and Ls-Dyna modelling. All of these concerns are addressed, and recommendations for numerical modelling methodologies are made in order to ultimately analyse the reaction of the symmetric extended end plate joints with 8-bolts under hogging and sagging bending moments.

Bashir Ali Kalifa Saleh, (08-2023), جامعة قطر: جامعة قطر, 2 (2), 222-228

Traffic Movement at Five Intersections on Jamal Abdul-Nasser Street - Sebha
Journal Article

Jamal Abdul-Nasser is a major trunk road that divides Sebha city into two semi-equal parts. It connects almost all districts with different activities and services in the center of the city. Alongside Jamal Abdul-Nasser Street, exist various types of activities: administrative, educational, commercial, public services and some other activities. Due to its importance, the street carries out the densest traffic movement within the city. This paper tries to study and analyze traffic movement at five intersections on Jamal Abdul-Nasser Street: (1) Al-Nahdha; (2) Khaled IbnAl-Walid; (3) Al-Khotoot; (4) Al-Tijari Bank; (5) Al-Zeraie Bank. Selection of the pre-mentioned intersections referred to their importance as converging points to various important activities and land uses. Data required for the study purposes include intersection characteristics, traffic flow characteristics and traffic composition pattern. The results reveal the significance of taking care of the geometric and regulatory aspects that enable the intersections to perform well with regard the smoothness of traffic flow.

Asmaiel Kodan Ali Naiel, (04-2021), جامعة سبها: مجلة العلوم البحثة والتطبيقية, 20 (4), 5-10

دراسة تأثير أنوع مختلفه من البودرة علي خواص مارشال للخلطات الاسفلتيه الساخنه
مقال في مؤتمر علمي

انظر للورقة

اسماعيل قودان علي نايل، (03-2021)، جامعة بن وليد: المؤتمر الوطني الثامن لمواد البناء و الهندسة الانشائية، 93-104

Numerical Study of Four Bolts End-Plate Joint Behaviour for Robustness Assessment
Journal Article

The paper presents new studies on numerical modeling (FEM) for beam-to-column behavior under sagging and hogging bending moment when the framework is exposed to service and unexpected loads that may cause a column loss scenario. This investigation is focused on four bolts end-plate joints with 10 mm thickness which are proven experimentally to have more ductile behavior than other end-plates joints (6, 8 bolts), spite of their weakness to transfer the unexpected loads from the initial state to a residual state of the stable equilibrium, that leads to a failure of limited floor area to adjacent joints when tested experimentally (Saleh, 2014). FEM technique used in this research is an extension of the previous technique and is characterized by the use of a more sophisticated technique than the previous, discovered from the result of continuous research and the use of all the options available in the new version of commercial ABAQUS/CAD software. The elements are designed using multiple layers of specific elements of a brick arranged in such a way that the mesh nodes of the tiles should coincide with certain layers with the top of the shear inlay and in line with reinforcement, not as the former study that used thick shell elements to model the reinforced concrete slab with total negligence of reinforcing steel and bolts between the slap and the beam. This investigation is very complex because of highly nonlinear effects associated with the prediction of joint performance, such as structural imperfections, huge displacements and large rotations, inelastic properties of steel and concrete, bonding effects between steel and concrete, friction between …

Bashir Ali Kalifa Saleh, (02-2020), https://qspace.qu.edu.qa/bitstream/handle/10576/14718/CIC2020_%20Artcile125.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y: Qatar University, 1 (1), 1-4

دراسه تأثير بعض المضافات البوليمرية علي الخواص الميكانيكيه للخلطات الإسفلتيه الساخنة
مقال في مؤتمر علمي

ساهم التطور بشبكات الطرق والنقل والذي شهده العالم في السنوات الاخيره في التطور الكبير في الحركه

التجاريه والصناعيه والسياحيه. ولذلك ركزت الكثير من الدراسات علي التصميم الجيد وعلي طرق الصيانه الجيده

والتي تضمن اداء ممتاز للطريق خلال العمر التصميمي له. غير هذه الدراسات لم تصل الي خليط اسفلتي مثالي بلائم الظروف المناخيه وذلك بسبب التأثير المشترك لمحموعه من العوامل علي اداء طبقات الرصف. ومن هنا جاءت هذه الدراسه وذلك من اجل الوصول الي خلطه اسفلتيه تلائم الظروف التشغيليه والمناخيه في ليبيا. وتقارن هذه الدراسه بين 3انواع من الخلطات الاسفلتيه وهي خلطه اسفلتيه بدون مضافات و خلطه اسفلتيه مع مادة ) (super.plasterالصلبه و خلطه اسفلتيه مع مادة ) (Iterleneالسائله وذلك من خلال نتائج تجربه مارشال. فقد اظهرت النتائج ان المخلوط الاسفلتي المحتوي علي مادة الايترلين به اقل نسبة بتومين مثلي وكانت %4.13يليه المخلوط الاسفلتي المحتوي علي مادة السوبر بلاست والتي كانت نسبة البيتومين المثلي به .%4.98 اما المخلوط الاسفلتي بدون مضافات فكانت نسبة البتومين المثلي .%5.05اوضحت النتائج ان المخلوط الاسفلتي المحتوي علي مادة الايترلين اعطي افضل النتائج حيث كانت الكثافة الجافة عند نسبة البتومين الممثلي 2.522 جم/سم 3و ونسبة الفراغات الهوائية ) (VTMكانت %2.09و نسبة الفراغات المملؤة بالبتومين ) (VFBكانت 74.96وكان انسياب مارشال ) 3.32 (FLOWمم و ثبات مارشال 27.79كيلونيوتن

اسماعيل قودان علي نايل، (03-2016)، جامعة غريان: المؤتمر الوطمي السادس لمواد البناء و الهندسة الانشائية، 202-209

Moment-rotation characteristic of joints of steel-concrete composite frame under exceptional events
Conference paper

The paper presents studies on experimental investigation of beam-to-column joint behavior in standard and exceptional events situations. This assessment is done to form a picture of the general the behavior of full scale frameworks at both the level of the global behavior of the framework, in terms of its load-displacement characteristic, and of the local behavior of joints in terms of their moment-rotation characteristics, and evaluates details about the interaction of the joint elements and how they work together in a balanced manner, during exceptional events, this study concerns the joints which are subject to the collapse and also includes the behavior of joints in the neighborhood of the collapse. The intricacy of such investigations appear from nonlinear effects associated with the outlook of joint behavior or functioning, such as structural shortcomings, large displacements and rotations, inelastic properties of steel and concrete materials, the effects between steel and concrete, and slip between concrete and structural steel, through others. The paper addresses these problems using two types of joints flush and extended end-plate with four and eight bolts and provides recommendations and reasoning for the behavioral techniques for the evaluation of joint moment-rotation response when exposed to negative and positive moments together.

Bashir Ali Kalifa Saleh, (05-2015), Nara, JAPAN: IABSE , JAPAN, 1-6

Moment-Rotation Characteristic of Joints of Steel-Concrete Composite Frame under Exceptional Events 2015
Conference paper

The paper presents studies on experimental investigation of beam-to-column joint behaviour in standard and exceptional events situations. This assessment is done to form a picture of the general the behavior of full scale frameworks at both the level of the global behavior of the framework, in terms of its load-displacement characteristic, and of the local behavior of joints in terms of their moment-rotation characteristics, and evaluates details about the interaction of the joint elements and how they work together in a balanced manner, during exceptional events, this study concerns the joints which are subject to the collapse and also includes the behavior of joints in the neighborhood of the collapse. The intricacy of such investigations appear from nonlinear effects associated with the outlook of joint behavior or functioning, such as structural shortcomings, large displacements and rotations, inelastic properties of steel and concrete materials, the effects between steel and concrete, and slip between concrete and structural steel, through others. The paper addresses these problems using two types of joints flush and extended end-plate with four and eight bolts and provides recommendations and reasoning for the behavioral techniques for the evaluation of joint moment-rotation response when exposed to negative and positive moments together.

Bashir Ali Kalifa Saleh, (05-2015), اليابان: جامعة اوساكا اليابان, 504-505

The association between client qualities and design team attributes of green building projects
Journal Article

The construction industry has become more complex due to changes in technology and the greater emphasis placed on satisfying green requirements. The design phase is the most important phase in determining the green performance of building projects. The performance of the design team is crucial. The selection of a design team should be based on a set of criteria. Therefore, a competent design teams is required to have a good understanding of environmental issues. Design teams require a range of competences such as skills of environmental assessments, initiatives and environmental background as the basis for design decisions. In addition, success of building projects greatly depends on the client’s performance. The performance of clients is crucial since decisions made will influence the overall project performance. The quality of clients’ representatives has potential influence on design team performance. In designing green buildings client’s attributes are critical factors to high performance of building projects. The propose of this study to identify the significant associations between variables of design team attributes and client qualities. To achieve mentioned aim a questionnaire survey was conducted to collect data required. A sample of 274 respondents has been covered under the study, including architects and engineers practicing design and consultancy building sectors. Prior to analysis of data WINSTEPS software were used for Rasch modeling to determine validity and reliability of date. Descriptive analysis data includes quantitative and qualitative. The results indicate that the influence of Clients’ Qualities on Design Team 

Mohamed S Abd Elforgani, (02-2014), Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN): ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 9 (2), 160-172

Conference paper

Aspects related to robustness of steel frameworks with semi-rigid steel and steel-concrete composite joints are dealt with. Experimental investigations were carried out for sub-frames fabricated in technical scale. Pushdown tests for steel subframes simulated the joint ability to transfer the bending moment and axial force under a column loss scenario. Tests on composite sub-frames were arranged in two stages. The first one was related to a service stage when the slab was under a gravity load and the column to be removed supported. The gravity load was sustained in the second stage when a column loss scenario was simulated. Experiments have shown that composite flush end-plate joints may not be robust enough since their low strength under sagging bending, despite of good ductility, does not allow for the redistribution of internal forces in order to achieve the equilibrium in the residual state after static column removal. Contrary, symmetrical steel and composite joints with extended end-plates on both sides of beam flanges seem to be more robust, despite of their lesser ductility. Robust bending behaviour is possible because extended end-plate joints exhibit a better balance between the strength and rotation capacity that allows to achieve the equilibrium state in case of a static column loss event.

Bashir Ali Kalifa Saleh, (02-2014), ًWarsaw University of Technology: WUT, POLAND, 51-60

Modeling of beam-to-column joints of steel concrete composite frames subjected to standard and extreme load combinations
PhD Thesis

Progressive building collapse occurs when failure of a structural component leads to the failure and collapse of surrounding members, possibly promoting additional collapse. Global system collapse will occur if the damaged system is unable to reach a new static equilibrium configuration. The objective of this research is to identify and investigate the importance of issues related to the unexpected collapse resulting from the loss of key elements of the structure (a column or columns, for example). In this research study there are examined on the entire frame including details of the column loss scenario and also the influence of the ductility and strength of beam-to-column joints adjacent to the location of such as incident. The study also includes catenary action in beams resulting from collapse and its impact on the adjacent joints and reports on the comparison of negative and positive moments in joints. In addition, it records the important notes associated with the state of collapse and parts of this research include the conformity of numerical and analytical results, the ratio of credibility and conformity of results and the test. This thesis reports in detail on the experimental and numerical investigations of the behaviour of steel and composite joints, which aim to develop common solutions with regard to the joint semi-rigid and partial strength properties that might allow for significant rotations and the redistribution of internal forces in structural system when there was a damage to its key element such as a column. Investigations of steel and composite joints with regard to their ductile behaviour are presented. Thereby special attention is paid to shaping of …

Bashir Ali Kalifa Saleh, (10-2013), Warsaw University of Technology: Bashir SALEH,